=========== Submissions =========== | Send Submissions to SunCoast RHIO Api ===================================== | This endpoint purpose is to receive valid submissions from our client, validate the data and attempt to insert the submission to CMS. Then store the response from CMS or return if there was an error within the data provided. | Detailed Specification ---------------------- | +-----------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Endpoint | Http Method | Path | +=======================+=============+====================================================+ |*processqpp* | POST |https://suncoastapi.herokuapp.com/apisc/processqpp | +-----------------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Curl example '''''''''''' | This is the correct way to send a valid JSON data to be processed within our Api: :: curl -X POST \ https://suncoastapi.herokuapp.com/apisc/processqpp \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer Token_here' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "entityType": "individual", "taxpayerIdentificationNumber": "000456758", "nationalProviderIdentifier": "0876543210", "performanceYear": 2017, "measurementSets": [ { "measurements": [ { "measureId": "IA_EPA_4", "value": true } ], "category": "ia", "submissionMethod": "registry", "performanceStart": "2017-01-01", "performanceEnd": "2017-06-01", "programName": "cpcPlus", "practiceId": "G1234" }, { "category": "aci", "submissionMethod": "registry", "performanceStart": "2017-01-01", "performanceEnd": "2017-06-01", "programName": "cpcPlus", "practiceId": "G1234", "measurements": [ { "measureId": "ACI_HIE_3", "value": { "numerator": 1, "denominator": 2 } }, { "measureId": "ACI_PHCDRR_5", "value": true } ] }, { "category": "quality", "submissionMethod": "registry", "performanceStart": "2017-01-01", "performanceEnd": "2017-06-01", "programName": "cpcPlus", "practiceId": "G1234", "measurements": [ { "measureId": "391", "value": { "isEndToEndReported": false, "strata": [ { "performanceMet": 2, "performanceNotMet": 1, "eligiblePopulation": 10, "eligiblePopulationException": 1, "eligiblePopulationExclusion": 2, "stratum": "30days" }, { "performanceMet": 2, "performanceNotMet": 1, "eligiblePopulation": 6, "eligiblePopulationException": 1, "eligiblePopulationExclusion": 0, "stratum": "overall" } ] } }, { "measureId": "093", "value": { "isEndToEndReported": false, "performanceMet": 1, "performanceNotMet": 1, "eligiblePopulation": 5, "eligiblePopulationExclusion": 1, "eligiblePopulationException": 1 } }, { "measureId": "ACEP32", "value": { "numerator": 1.26, "denominator": 2.91, "isEndToEndReported": false } } ] } ] }' | Response '''''''' Success example ............... Status 201 *Json format* :: { "response": "OK" } Error example ............... Status 422 *Json format* :: { "errors": [ { "detail": { "error": { "details": [ { "submissionId": "024a6d38-50b6-4bbb-9d77-d9b14ba0a174" } ], "message": "Duplicate entry for key submission_category_method_submitter_type_program_name_practice", "type": "DuplicateEntryError" } }, "id": "CMS-Error", "status": 422, "title": "error" } ] }