
Read Score from SunCoast RHIO Api

This endpoint purpose is to get the score from a previous submissions made before it is delivered to the Client through their Api.

Detailed Specification

Endpoint Http Method Path
score POST

Curl example

This is the correct way to ask for the responses from our Api:

curl -X POST \ \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer Token_here' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "taxpayerIdentificationNumber": "000465970",
        "nationalProviderIdentifier": "0912935270",
        "performanceYear": 2017


Success example

Status Code


Json format

    "score": {
        "data": {
            "score": {
                "detail": "0.36.3",
                "errors": [],
                "metadata": {
                    "maxContributionACI": 0,
                    "maxContributionIA": 15,
                    "maxContributionQuality": 85,
                    "maxFinalScore": 100,
                    "maxHighContributionIA": 20,
                    "maxMediumContributionIA": 10,
                    "messages": {}
                "name": "total",
                "parts": [
                        "detail": "Scoring based on weight of 85%.",
                        "metadata": {
                            "maxContribution": 85,
                            "unroundedScoreValue": 40.48833333333333
                        "name": "quality",
                        "original": {
                            "detail": "Picked the highest scoring measurement set registry",
                            "name": "quality",
                            "parts": [
                                    "detail": "registry",
                                    "metadata": {
                                        "denominator": 60,
                                        "e2eBonusScore": 0,
                                        "maxContribution": 100,
                                        "maxMeasurementsAllowed": 6,
                                        "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                        "measurementSetPicked": true,
                                        "measuresPicked": [
                                        "messages": {
                                            "denominator": "At least 1 high or outcome or patient experience measure available. So denominator is 60",
                                            "totalBonusPoints": "Sum of individual measurement bonus points",
                                            "totalMeasurementPoints": "Sum of applicable individual measurement points."
                                        "reweightedScore": 28.6,
                                        "totalBonusPoints": 2,
                                        "totalMeasurementPoints": 28.6,
                                        "unroundedScoreValue": 28.58
                                    "name": "quality",
                                    "parts": [
                                            "detail": "Contributing 3",
                                            "metadata": {
                                                "benchmarkType": "registry",
                                                "decile": -1,
                                                "decileScore": 3,
                                                "deciles": null,
                                                "eMeasureId": null,
                                                "eligiblePopulation": 3,
                                                "endToEndBonus": 0,
                                                "endToEndBonusEligible": false,
                                                "highPriorityBonus": 0,
                                                "highPriorityBonusEligible": true,
                                                "highPriorityBonusIgnored": true,
                                                "measureClass": "Class 2",
                                                "measureTitle": "Adult Sinusitis: Antibiotic Prescribed for Acute Sinusitis (Overuse)",
                                                "measurementId": "ce19e632-41ce-487c-93d4-6e716b452188",
                                                "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                                "messages": {
                                                    "decileScore": "Applied maximum points for Class 2 measure",
                                                    "e2eBonusScore": "Default E2E bonus score",
                                                    "highPriorityBonus": "Measure having highest decile score is not eligible for high priority bonus",
                                                    "measurementClass": "Measure has a benchmark but eligible population is less than 20 or has a reporting rate of less than 50%",
                                                    "measurementPicker": "Picked at 1",
                                                    "totalMeasurementPoints": "Measurement points for PICKED measure include decile score with all bonus points"
                                                "noBenchmarks": false,
                                                "outcomeOrPatientExperienceBonus": 0,
                                                "partialDecileScore": null,
                                                "partialPoints": 0,
                                                "performanceDenominator": 3,
                                                "performanceNumerator": 1,
                                                "performanceRate": 33.33,
                                                "processingStatus": "PICKED",
                                                "reportingRate": 100,
                                                "toppedOut": true,
                                                "totalBonusPoints": 0,
                                                "totalMeasurementPoints": 3,
                                                "unroundedScoreValue": 3
                                            "name": "331",
                                            "value": 3
                                            "detail": "Contributing 9.1",
                                            "metadata": {
                                                "benchmarkType": "registry",
                                                "decile": 9,
                                                "decileScore": 9.12,
                                                "deciles": [
                                                "eMeasureId": "CMS22v5",
                                                "eligiblePopulation": 1185,
                                                "endToEndBonus": 0,
                                                "endToEndBonusEligible": false,
                                                "highPriorityBonus": 0,
                                                "highPriorityBonusEligible": false,
                                                "measureClass": "Class 1",
                                                "measureTitle": "Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented",
                                                "measurementId": "0d9d0adf-4b90-4632-a94e-57355d3d1910",
                                                "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                                "messages": {
                                                    "e2eBonusScore": "Default E2E bonus score",
                                                    "measurementClass": "Eligible population is greater than or equal to 20, reporting rate is greater than 50% and has benchmarks",
                                                    "measurementPicker": "Picked at 2",
                                                    "totalMeasurementPoints": "Measurement points for PICKED measure include decile score with all bonus points"
                                                "noBenchmarks": false,
                                                "outcomeOrPatientExperienceBonus": 0,
                                                "partialDecileScore": 0.1,
                                                "partialPoints": 1.17,
                                                "performanceDenominator": 1184,
                                                "performanceNumerator": 1066,
                                                "performanceRate": 90.03,
                                                "processingStatus": "PICKED",
                                                "reportingRate": 99.92,
                                                "toppedOut": false,
                                                "totalBonusPoints": 0,
                                                "totalMeasurementPoints": 9.12,
                                                "unroundedScoreValue": 9.12
                                            "name": "317",
                                            "value": 9.1
                                            "detail": "Contributing 5.5",
                                            "metadata": {
                                                "benchmarkType": "registry",
                                                "decile": 5,
                                                "decileScore": 5.46,
                                                "deciles": [
                                                "eMeasureId": null,
                                                "eligiblePopulation": 73,
                                                "endToEndBonus": 0,
                                                "endToEndBonusEligible": false,
                                                "highPriorityBonus": 0,
                                                "highPriorityBonusEligible": false,
                                                "measureClass": "Class 1",
                                                "measureTitle": "Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter: Chronic Anticoagulation Therapy",
                                                "measurementId": "87910ebf-4738-4146-8372-89f10406f403",
                                                "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                                "messages": {
                                                    "e2eBonusScore": "Default E2E bonus score",
                                                    "measurementClass": "Eligible population is greater than or equal to 20, reporting rate is greater than 50% and has benchmarks",
                                                    "measurementPicker": "Picked at 3",
                                                    "totalMeasurementPoints": "Measurement points for PICKED measure include decile score with all bonus points"
                                                "noBenchmarks": false,
                                                "outcomeOrPatientExperienceBonus": 0,
                                                "partialDecileScore": 0.5,
                                                "partialPoints": 7.93,
                                                "performanceDenominator": 73,
                                                "performanceNumerator": 44,
                                                "performanceRate": 60.27,
                                                "processingStatus": "PICKED",
                                                "reportingRate": 100,
                                                "toppedOut": false,
                                                "totalBonusPoints": 0,
                                                "totalMeasurementPoints": 5.46,
                                                "unroundedScoreValue": 5.46
                                            "name": "326",
                                            "value": 5.5
                                            "detail": "Contributing 4",
                                            "metadata": {
                                                "benchmarkType": null,
                                                "decile": -1,
                                                "decileScore": 3,
                                                "deciles": null,
                                                "eMeasureId": null,
                                                "eligiblePopulation": 32,
                                                "endToEndBonus": 0,
                                                "endToEndBonusEligible": false,
                                                "highPriorityBonus": 1,
                                                "highPriorityBonusEligible": true,
                                                "measureClass": "Class 2",
                                                "measureTitle": "Emergency Medicine: Emergency Department Utilization of CT for Minor Blunt Head Trauma for Patients Aged 18 Years and Older",
                                                "measurementId": "626ab835-453d-4713-a2e6-deaa2f70976f",
                                                "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                                "messages": {
                                                    "decileScore": "Applied maximum points for Class 2 measure",
                                                    "e2eBonusScore": "Default E2E bonus score",
                                                    "highPriorityBonus": "Allotting 1 point to high priority bonus for measure type 'efficiency'",
                                                    "measurementClass": "Measurement has no benchmarks",
                                                    "measurementPicker": "Picked at 4",
                                                    "totalMeasurementPoints": "Measurement points for PICKED measure include decile score with all bonus points"
                                                "noBenchmarks": true,
                                                "outcomeOrPatientExperienceBonus": 0,
                                                "partialDecileScore": null,
                                                "partialPoints": 0,
                                                "performanceDenominator": 32,
                                                "performanceNumerator": 21,
                                                "performanceRate": 65.62,
                                                "processingStatus": "PICKED",
                                                "reportingRate": 100,
                                                "toppedOut": null,
                                                "totalBonusPoints": 1,
                                                "totalMeasurementPoints": 4,
                                                "unroundedScoreValue": 4
                                            "name": "415",
                                            "value": 4
                                            "detail": "Contributing 4",
                                            "metadata": {
                                                "benchmarkType": null,
                                                "decile": -1,
                                                "decileScore": 3,
                                                "deciles": null,
                                                "eMeasureId": null,
                                                "eligiblePopulation": 36,
                                                "endToEndBonus": 0,
                                                "endToEndBonusEligible": false,
                                                "highPriorityBonus": 1,
                                                "highPriorityBonusEligible": true,
                                                "measureClass": "Class 2",
                                                "measureTitle": "Overuse Of Neuroimaging For Patients With Primary Headache And A Normal Neurological Examination",
                                                "measurementId": "2657e9ec-4ae3-4f04-b226-c98a4685f4f2",
                                                "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                                "messages": {
                                                    "decileScore": "Applied maximum points for Class 2 measure",
                                                    "e2eBonusScore": "Default E2E bonus score",
                                                    "highPriorityBonus": "Allotting 1 point to high priority bonus for measure type 'efficiency'",
                                                    "measurementClass": "Measurement has no benchmarks",
                                                    "measurementPicker": "Picked at 5",
                                                    "totalMeasurementPoints": "Measurement points for PICKED measure include decile score with all bonus points"
                                                "noBenchmarks": true,
                                                "outcomeOrPatientExperienceBonus": 0,
                                                "partialDecileScore": null,
                                                "partialPoints": 0,
                                                "performanceDenominator": 30,
                                                "performanceNumerator": 27,
                                                "performanceRate": 90,
                                                "processingStatus": "PICKED",
                                                "reportingRate": 83.33,
                                                "toppedOut": null,
                                                "totalBonusPoints": 1,
                                                "totalMeasurementPoints": 4,
                                                "unroundedScoreValue": 4
                                            "name": "419",
                                            "value": 4
                                            "detail": "Contributing 3",
                                            "metadata": {
                                                "benchmarkType": "registry",
                                                "decile": -1,
                                                "decileScore": 3,
                                                "deciles": null,
                                                "eMeasureId": null,
                                                "eligiblePopulation": 2,
                                                "endToEndBonus": 0,
                                                "endToEndBonusEligible": false,
                                                "highPriorityBonus": 0,
                                                "highPriorityBonusEligible": false,
                                                "measureClass": "Class 2",
                                                "measureTitle": "Adult Sinusitis: Appropriate Choice of Antibiotic: Amoxicillin With or Without Clavulanate Prescribed for Patients with Acute Bacterial Sinusitis (Appropriate Use)",
                                                "measurementId": "82378195-46ee-4c7e-8b69-95b375c48222",
                                                "measurementSetId": "780d562d-d2ee-4889-9484-80d849a376ef",
                                                "messages": {
                                                    "decileScore": "Applied maximum points for Class 2 measure",
                                                    "e2eBonusScore": "Default E2E bonus score",
                                                    "measurementClass": "Measure has a benchmark but eligible population is less than 20 or has a reporting rate of less than 50%",
                                                    "measurementPicker": "Picked at 6",
                                                    "totalMeasurementPoints": "Measurement points for PICKED measure include decile score with all bonus points"
                                                "noBenchmarks": false,
                                                "outcomeOrPatientExperienceBonus": 0,
                                                "partialDecileScore": null,
                                                "partialPoints": 0,
                                                "performanceDenominator": 2,
                                                "performanceNumerator": 1,
                                                "performanceRate": 50,
                                                "processingStatus": "PICKED",
                                                "reportingRate": 100,
                                                "toppedOut": false,
                                                "totalBonusPoints": 0,
                                                "totalMeasurementPoints": 3,
                                                "unroundedScoreValue": 3
                                            "name": "332",
                                            "value": 3
                                    "value": 47.6
                            "value": 47.6
                        "title": "QUALITY component of final score",
                        "value": 40.49
                        "name": "feedback-quality",
                        "parts": [
                                "detail": "Focus on improving measure 331",
                                "name": "331"
                                "detail": "Focus on improving measure 332",
                                "name": "332"
                                "detail": "Focus on improving measure 415",
                                "name": "415"
                "title": "Total Score",
                "value": 40.49,
                "warnings": [
                    "Disclaimer: Scoring is subject to change, based on periodic policy updates, eligibility reviews, and technical integration developments."
    "submissionId": "01e38cda-fb16-4a92-abd0-bfac25f1fbd3"

Error example

Status Code


Json format

    "error": "not acceptable",
    "id": "CS-004",
    "message": "Submission identification data is not valid"